Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Break, Day 5

On our last weekday of the kids' Spring break, I took them to get their own steamed milks!

The kids did some math worksheets willingly on their break from school!  My kids are so dedicated and smart!  They were racing each other to finish, but all 3 kids got every problem correct! 

Then after a grilled cheese and soup lunch (it's pouring rain here in Oregon), we headed to the local skate rink!

The boys played the Dice games, a non skating game where you sit until your number is called.  If your number is called last, you win!

They won!  They received free soda coupons, you would of thought is was the lottery!  Erik shared some of his prize lemonade with Ella-who didn't win.  CJ said the drink was too small to share (they were only 6oz cups)!

We came home to rest up for an hour before meeting Daddy and Uncle John at Busters BBQ for dinner!  It was some of the best eating from the kids I'd seen a long while!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Srping Break, Day 4

Day 4 started out with doughnuts for breakfast at the Doughnut World, this cute little red barn.

Then we hit the Craft Hour and made green handprint grass for the homemade flowers.
CJ did not want to paint his hands at all, so he played on my phone instead!
CJ's friend came and took him to the nickel arcade and then stayed at our house for lunch and playdate in between rainstorms!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring Break, Day 3

I saved the kids' T-ball gear from 2 years ago and added some as the year passed when I found good deals at Goodwill.  I am proud to say that I don't have to buy anything for this season! 

We spent the morning trying on gear, seeing what fits best.

We labeled the helmets and clothes.

 Ella was the only one who needed a bigger glove this year-but I had found one at the thrift store.
Then we packed all the gear into a big black duffle bag and the kids played for rest of the morning.

We dropped Erik off at Grandma's to have a playdate with his Cousin for the afternoon.

We picked up Erik and headed to The Bug Chicks Show, they were great!

Ella was eager to hold the bugs!

Erik needed a little help from the Bug Lady.

CJ decided he needed Mommy's help!

They brought out a huge hairy spider at the end!  It was a fun relaxing day.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring Break, Day 2

Today I took the kids to a puppet show at a local library.  We met two families from our church as well.  Ella is in the blue hoodie.  Erik and his church friend are sitting directly in front of her.  CJ is sitting in the front row in blue next to our other church friend in green on the right.

Ella was the only one interested in "meeting" the puppets after the show was over in our group.  All of the boys ran to the Ipads!  It was a cute musical, but I find her story line shows more entertaining.

We all went to McDonalds for lunch afterwards to eat and let the kids run free for an hour.

The kids were still going strong so we stopped at Goodwill for a quick look and found a bunch of size 8 clothes for CJ-mostly pants.  I can't pass up brand new pants with their tags still on Levis, Dickies, and Tony Hawks for $5.00 each!  The kids have their first baseball meeting tonight.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Break, Day 1

I took the kids to our local mini amusement park for their first day of Spring Break.  I thought it wouldn't be too crowded since they had their coupon special all week, but it was VERY crowded.  Luckily, I got their before it opened, found a decent parking spot and waited only 10 minutes in line to purchase tickets.  Ella is tall enough to tide the bigger rides by herself now, so she and CJ went on the ferris wheel in a car and Erik and I shared another one.

Ella, CJ, and Erik on the right of Frog Hopper, still their favorite ride!

We stopped for a lunch break and that is when we noticed the lines were twice as long for the rides,

we waited for the train ride and called it a day for rides.

Last time, 2 of the kids earned a free game of golf so we brought those coupons to use.  The man let Erik play for free today too!  The kids were WAY better and taking turns this year than last spring.  What a difference 6 months of kindergarten will do!

Ella was surprisingly talented playing golf this time around with 2 holes in one!

The benefit of having extremely long lines; no problem finding a stranger to take our photo before we left!  The kids were tired and Erik fell asleep on the way back home.  We stopped to get $1.00 ice cream cones for a snack.  It was a perfect day to start their Spring stay-vacation!

Friday, March 21, 2014

AWANAS Grand Prix Posters

Spring is finally here and that means the kids are gearing up for the AWANAS grand prix car race.  We worked on their posters for the race.  They earned 10 shares just for completing one but the top 3 posters earn awards at the night of the race!

Here's Erik's, he traced the car and colored for 2 days on it!

Camden did all of his own designing, drawing, coloring!
Ella also traced her racecar and letters but did her own coloring.  I love the 4 AWANAS colors in the background.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Erik and his new bike!  He wanted a basket and tassles just like Ella's bike!  He has since decided to remove the tassles, but the basket is still on.

The kids received a basketball hoop for their birthday from the Bowlsby Grandparents.  We placed it across the street from our house on the neighbor's property because the ground is flatter.  It is perfect; we can see the kids from the windows and the neighbors come out to play with them.  Don't let Erik's throw fool you, he has made more baskets than all the kids put together! 
Camden is getting much better with his aim in only the week that we have had it!  Ella enjoys the hoop as well as me, but we stayed inside this time to take pictures!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Swimming Champs

The kids finished their swimming lessons last week.  Camden passed on to the next level!  He can jump in, float, turn and swim to the ladder.

The twins had their lessons in the preschool pool.  The practiced floating, kicking, and putting their  face in the water. 
Ella's floating 
Erik's floating

Ella's face in the water!

Camden, Daddy and Uncle John watching.

Erik's "face in the water"!  The twin get to take this level again next Fall to perfect their skills before moving on.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Toothless by Force!

Poor Camden has a mouth that wants to keep his baby teeth AND his adult teeth!  After seeing the Orthodonist, we scheduled to get 3 teeth pulled!  Camden wasn't too nervous...

He even willingly showed me his overcrowded mouth for a before picture!

Here is Camden entertaining his Dentist after getting his 6 shots to numb up.  He recovered from the shots quickly although I did need to hold his hands down.

The Dentist was awesome and the 3 teeth were out in 4 pulls!  I will spare you the grossness of his actual teeth; his baby roots were fully intact making them fang like teeth!  I am a super proud Mommy and Camden is reaping the benefits of a fully evening of Minecraft!