Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Monday, June 23, 2014

Soccer Camp

Today was the first morning of Soccer Camp!  All 3 kids wanted to be on their own team this year!
Camden played goalie first and drove INTO the net to save a ball!
He got a chance to play forward as well and actually had an assist.
He got the ball a whole lot more than he did during a school recess, so he was very happy.
Erik chose the Red Team and had a great day.  His team plays a game first, then worship. 
He posed for me! 
By the time I made it around the HUGE field with 6 full soccer areas on it, he was already doing drills. 
Good kick Erik!  
There was a lot of standing in line and waiting today, but the kids didn't seem to mind.
Ella got the Yellow Team.  She posed quick for me but didn't have a ball. 
Her coaches are a little unorganized, but she just chatted with her new friends in line. 
She got to practice dribbling the soccer ball to the fence. 
Her group ended up playing Red Light, Green Light and Duck, duck, Goose.  I am not sure why?  There was a lack of soccer action for sure though. 
We packed a picnic lunch as I didn't know how soon they'd need to eat.  It seems like this year, they can handle 3 hours no problem.  Ha, I just realized I have traffic light color kids!

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