Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Monday, April 20, 2015

Easter 2015

Somehow I forgot to post Easter?  We dyed eggs at a friend's house this year on Saturday. 
My parents were in Florida.   We ate tacos for dinner.

I changed the kids and we headed to the Good Friday Service at East Hill Church.

The twins came home with these Easter Egg Poems. 
On Easter morning the kids found the baskets and a box of See's Candy from the Alderson Grandparents!  Yum. 
Then it was off to church again and then the Bowlsby Grandparents for Easter dinner.  
Cousin Love 
More Love 
Waiting for the Easter Egg hunt to start....  

Erik got charcoal on his shirt, so he went shirtless for the night! 

It's hard to be the bigger cousins getting no money or candy; his sneakiness did pay off though! 
Ella was a little happy about all the money! 
Thanks Alderson Grandparents for the bag of change! 

We also celebrated Great Grandpa Ole's 89th birthday that night! 
Dog pile 
Cousin Love 
More Love 
Finally, home to bed!

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