Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Day 2013

After opening our family presents at home (they are still on Brian's camera), we headed over to the Alderson Grandparents' house for a fun day of presents, food and visiting.

Grandma Jill made Ella a Vet kit customized with ID tags, hospital bracelets, casts, xrays and more!  She loves it!

Erik got Mario Cart for his DS from Grandma and Grandpa.  Aunt Jennifer got him this really cool remote car that had many adventures including denting a kitchen chair leg!

Brian was surprised to open his new office chair.  Camden and I built it for him on Sunday afternoon and he spent the evening in it!  It tilts back and rocks, a definite need for him.

Camden loved his Lego Airplane that I didn't get a picture of?  We all had a great time even though the kids stayed up way too late the night before!  I loved my Kitchen Aid mixer I got and it has found a home on my counter already!
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