Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

Every year we travel to the Bowlsby Grandparents house for Christmas Eve.  We were only a little late arriving due to Ella's head lice.  The kids had fun hanging out with their cousins and eating in the family room!

The boys got some Legos!

Ella was happy with her new friend, Mary!

We gave Uncle John the photo album with 8 years of photos including him, he liked it.

Camden settled in to read some new books.

We stayed way too late, past 10pm this year!  The kids were grumpy, tired, and mopey Christmas Day because of it.  Next year, I want to be in bed by 10pm!  It was a fun time and it was fun to see how much all the kids have grown.
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