Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Staying Healthy with Shots!

Our tiny little Mane Coon kitten is now about 14 months old and was due for her shots! 
Camden surprisingly was the only one who wanted to miss a morning of school to take her with me.  Sarah was NOT amused by his entertainment. 
It's Okay Sarah! 
Dr. Chris giving Sarah all 3 shots, what a good kitty!  
Camden read to her while I paid over $100! 
Ahhh, it's good to be home again!   
Next was the kids' turn for the Flu Mist.
All 3 kids were nervous, they thought they was a needle at the end going up their nose! 
In the end, we all decided the Flu Mist was much easier than the Flu Shot, and no sore arm!

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