Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Ella went to the dentist to get a tooth pulled that was being stubborn!  Her permanent tooth came in about a month ago! Last smile with baby teeth! 
A little attitude before the pulling of the teeth!  Yes, the dentist decided to pull all 4 teeth! 
Feeling brave! 
Getting numb, porcupine style! 
The pulling!  
Shopping for her prizes from her tokens for being a good patient!     
What a Cutie, she even sang "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!" for me. 
Showing Grandpa Jim... 
Showing Grandma Jill... 
I let Ella rest at Grandma's and she drew this picture of her teeth missing.  
I took her to McDonalds for lunch before taking her back to school!  She was so calm through the entire ordeal, I was so impressed!

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