Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Friday, November 8, 2013

Proud Erik

Erik was so surprised to be picked for Clubber of the Month for the entire Kindergarden class for having a positive attitude, memorizing Bible verses and good sportsmenship!

It's my job now to take the pictures of the 5 Clubbers of the Month and post them on the bulletin boards.  Erik was so proud of himself.  I recently found my new calling as a bulletin board artist!  I made this one.

John and I made this one a week later.  I put up AWANA pictures from the first dress up night.  I will change them pictures out occasionally.

The church has a youth Library and this bulletin board sits right outside it.  I just finished this bulletin board yesterday.  It took me 3 hours, but it will take less time the more boards I do!  (This is Moses parting the Red Sea; popping out of the Bible.)
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