Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

1st Day of School 2014!

We were all packed up the night before with outfits laid out! 
The kids were so excited to go wait for the school bus and to ride that we were outside 15 minutes early! 
THEY even asked me to take some first day of school pictures! 
The bus came!  We will have 9 kids total at our stop, but just 4 today. The plan was for me to drive the van to school and meet them off the bus to walk them in, but I couldn't find parking and all 3 kids were already IN their classrooms by the time I got to the school!
Camden is in 3rd grade this year and has his OWN desk.  He was SO excited! 
Ella is sitting by 2 boys, one we know from preschool.  She also has 1 girl scout friend, and her next door neighbor in her classroom. 
Erik was the most nervous and a little upset when he saw me because I wasn't there to walk him in.  I got this picture before he saw me, but none of him smiling at his desk.  Maybe tomorrow?

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