Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Graduation Day at Church!

This Sunday was graduation day at church.  Camden grabbed his cubbie from his 1/2nd grade classroom and was ready to move up to the 3rd grade that moment he stepped in the classroom! 
Ella and Shae playing with our kitchen food that we donated to the church classroom.  Ella was already attending the 1/2nd grade class as so she didn't graduate. 
The new bulletin board for the 1/2nd grade classroom I made.  The little stars had the church kids' names on them.  
Erik was the first one through the door to the 1/2nd grade classroom!  He was so excited and took over Camden's cubbie spot! 
Camden was so mature and let the girl in the 3rd grade classroom first, which is a huge step for him! 
Teacher Ken explaining that the big kids get a file drawer and not a little kid cubbie!  
Camden happy to be in his 3rd grade classroom at church! 
Erik showing a little bit of nervousness in his new 1/2 grade church classroom.
This is the new bulletin board I made for Camden per his request for the 3rd grade classroom, it took over 3 hours to cut all the parts for the Minions!

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