Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

We took the kids to Leipold Farms again this year for Fall Fun!  I got this really cute selfie with Brian! 
Brian checking out the pumpkins. 
Looking for pumpkins.
Camden is finally strong enough to manage the wheelbarrow of pumpkins.  I guess all that time helping Daddy in the yard during the summer helped!
Hay ride! 
This was the first year the Erik didn't lean his head against me or ask me to hold him during the ride.  *Sniff*  Ella wanted to sit with a friend on the end away from us! *Sniff* 
Camden saw this photo board and asked me to take a picture of him because the cat looks like our cat, Sarah! 
I was brave and tried the corn maze again this year and we did it in record time with minimal complaining!  Here are my 4 on the bridge! 
The weird, out of place Lion. 
The even weirder, de-strawed horse! 
The Bowlsbys working at the pumpkin patch!

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