Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Erik's Battle!

So Sarah is ready for Christmas.  When asked if she had been good this year, she replied "Just look at this face!" 
She has been caught staring at the tree too!  She is so excited to have her first present! 
Erik's battle is nearing an end!  He went in for a quick surgery on Friday.  He had a stomach virus 2 weeks before surgery and a cold the week before, the Dr. gave the go ahead anyways. 
So off we went at 5am to the hospital and played with all the cars after checking in.  Maybe this is where all the germs were? 
He was very happy to ride ALL the cars up and down the hallway... 
I snapped a picture of his empty room on one of our many laps around the floor! 
I think this was his favorite since he could really get some speed on it! 
The nurse has Erik return to his room to start the process of checking vitals and then the Hospital Pastor came in and prayed with Erik. 
Then we waited and waited.... 
The nurse came in and gave Erik his IV, no crying for this guy! 
Uncle John was nice enough to get up early and drive us there, and Grandma Jill arrived right after Erik was wheeled into Pre Op.  She brought goodies! 
Erik got a little nervous, so we distracted him by making him smile for pictures! 
Off he goes! 
He was, of course, very sleepy afterwards. 
He wanted me to snuggle with him, so in the bed I crawled! 
He napped on and off, but then finally woke up and asked John for a drink.  
....and started playing with the button on the hospital bed! 
...and then played with the touch screen!  
The nurse came to take out his IV and his little fist went up!  Taking off tape is painful! 
This was the worst part for him.  
We got him dressed, loaded up in the wagon, and said goodbye to our fun nurse and was outta there! 
Grandma Jill lead the way! 
Waiting for the car... 
Erik fell asleep again on the way home. 
Once home, he was awake, alert and hungry as if nothing had ever happened!  
The kids opened their Christmas present from John, Xbox controllers for their PCs!  
Camden was a LITTLE bit happy about this gift!  
The kids went off to play for the evening. 
Erik seemed to be a bit tired, but I thought that was normal for a long day... 
but alas, we spiked 103.4 fevers overnight and starting vomiting so back to the ER armed with Daddy this time! 
He had a fierce runny nose as well; though to be a side effect of the adenoid removal. 
It turns out he caught the upper respitatory infection that the kids are catching this year in the hospital from the day of surgery!  
They checked him over for other infections, like bladder, ears, etc. and everything was fine.
We headed back home to rest and recoup with these new germs and a worn out kid.  
We had a few scares with really high temperatures that wouldn't go down, but nothing a cool bath and wash clothes couldn't help. 
He was so miserable. 
We moved to the couch the next day, but no energy came.  We went back to the doctor yesterday to find out Erik is suffering with bronchitis and the start of pneumonia from being sick and the surgery combined!  Poor Guy.  He came home with meds and a steroid inhailer which is working magic!  Here's to hoping we have a healthy Christmas! 

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