Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Gingerbread House!

Last Sunday we went over to the Alderson Grandparents after church to make Gingerbread houses and eat Tacos!  Grandpa made the frosting and Grandma always has a good spread of candy for the houses! 
We took turns eating and decorating the houses.  Erik loved the desserts Grandma had baked! 
Camden loved the meal except for the homemade taco shell still on his plate!  He was happy anyways though. 
Brian manned the frosting piper for the kids the entire time, it was SO nice!  I hate getting sticky from the frosting!  The kids decorated and decorated! 
The adults visited and visited!  John came with us after church too!
The twins snuck some candy canes as well! 
Funny, they are feeling so guilty, they wouldn't look at me!  
The Big kids got on their devices for some bonding! 
Ella was the last kid standing in the decorating!  Grandma stepped in to help so Brian could eat. 
My favorite Men! 
Ella as truly the last one standing!  She never left the table!  This girl has a heart for art! 
We left the huge family masterpiece at Grandma's since we have the cat at home.  We will see it again at Christmas!  Fun times!

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