Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Friday, May 9, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

I got to celebrate Mother's Day early today!  The school had a "Muffins with Mom" breakfast at 6:30am!  Ella surprised me by getting up and dressed before I even got up!  Here we are waiting in line for the muffins and juice.

CJ was so proud that the event was in HIS classroom!  As you can see, it was pretty crowded so most of the Moms sat on the floor or stood!  The school also had a flower planting table, and the kids shared one pot, dirt and seeds to plant a flower for me.

CJ made me a placemat for Mother's Day!  It's so cute and has all nice words about Mom in the middle!

Ella gave me her card this morning and a little gift that she and Grandma Alderson picked out for me.  I LOVE yellow, and they found a yellow rose bracelet with matching earrings!

Erik ran to his kindergarten room after the event and starting coloring.  About 15 minutes later, he came up to the school office to take his meds and brought me this and said, "Happy Mother's Day Mom!"  So cute.  Erik attends the 1st grade reading and math groups so he misses the kindergarten homeroom time when the kids made their Mother's day things.  He realized all on his own that he didn't have anything for Mom and made one for me!
Speaking of Erik, he has started taking acid reflux medication to see if that will help his upset tummy.  We had a little break from the nightly, "My tummy hurts" after seeing the allergist and removing the foods he was allergic to.  Recently, his tummy has started acting up again, so I hope this helps.  The medicine tastes REALLY, REALLY bad though and he takes it twice a day.

Ella also went to the Dr recently.  She couldn't get over her nasty cold from a month ago and the Dr said she has a sinus infection.  She is on amoxicillin for 10 days twice a day!  It never ends around here!  Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there, especially mine!

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