Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Monday, July 7, 2014

4th of July 2014

This year we had a smaller 4th of July BBQ than normal for us, but everyone we loved was there and that is what matters! 
There was lots of good BBQ food, a juicy watermelon and ice cream sundaes for dessert after we sang to Uncle John for his birthday!  
The cousins played in the backyard together. 
Camden fit some reading in too! 
A couple of the neighborhood kids came across the street to play with our sparklers! 
The kids learned they could write words with them on the road too! 
Possibly my favorite picture of 4th of July EVER!  This is so Camden and Erik during fireworks, ha!  Brian lit a few of his own after the neighbors finished theirs. 
Us girls got comfy on the blanket! 
It was a fun but late holiday!  I got the kids in bed around 10:30pm, but it was so loud and hot they couldn't really fall asleep for a while!  

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