Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Sunday, July 6, 2014

She & Me Girl Scout Camp, Part 2

I couldn't get this image to rotate?  It's also the ONLY picture I have of Ella canoeing.  As soon as we started paddling she started crying because she was scared.  She and Ellie got out and sat on the deck as us Moms paddled around for the hour! 
We found a cute photo op by the boathouse! 
Ella got to be the Caller for the Color Guard at the Flag ceremony! 
I am on the right at the end of the color guard line. 
The last early morning activity was Friendship bracelets! 
She kept the bracelet taped to her leg and worked on it at the Singing logs before breakfast too! 
After breakfast was the Camp Banquet and she received her awards for the Polar Bear Swim and a few others. 
Then it was time to pack up, sweep out the cabins, and go home! 
She also spotted a deer quite close to us. 
Overall, it was a great first time Girl Scout Camp experience!

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