Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Sunday, July 6, 2014

She & Me Girl Scout Camp, Part 1

Ella and I headed up to Camp Arrowhead for our first year at Girl Scout Camp!  She was so excited and carried her own luggage to the wagon! 
We got to choose wear to sit at each meal, so the first night we sat with Aunt Jennifer and cousin Anabelle.  We had chicken and salad I think? 
Before and after each meal, all the campers gather on the singing logs to sing,  Ella is on the 2nd log up on the right.  By now she had made a Friend, Ellie! 
That night we had a Tadger Party and ate s'mores!  It was really hot, but the camp has a policy of wearing pants around the campfire.  Ugh! 
Her first camp s'more! 
Early in the morning, before breakfast, we walked all the way down to the lake for a Polar Bear swim! 
The girls had the chance to jump into the cold lake!  Ella went in with the help of our bunk mate's Mom. 
In the lake! 
We found Aunt Jennifer and Anabelle again at breakfast! 
Ella sat by her new friend, Ellie at breakfast too! 
The we went hiking around to the Corn Crib to make some arts and crafts.
Ella made a whole bag full of stuff, and I got to color her bag! 
What is a trip to Girl Scout camp without eating Girl Scout cookies?  A Samoa and a Thin Mint! 
Here are all 8 Daisy aged girls that came this past week at the campfire the 2nd night. 
The older girls stay up later and almost all the Daisy aged girls were wearing out by the end of the campfire.  To be continued...

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