Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Black Butte 2014 Continuted

Day 3 started out with the kids and me up early with a cereal and cartoon breakfast! 
Then I let them ride bikes in our driveway until the men got up.  Erik slid off the end of the paving and got a couple scraps!  He didn't cry though and got back on his bike after I put 3 bandaids on to cover them. 
After everyone was up, fed, and ready we headed to the horse stables! 
The shortest ride they offered was a 3 miler, so we opted for the parent led corral ride instead!  Camden wasn't thrilled to be on a horse, but he enjoyed the ride.
We walked, and walked, and walked.  I still can't figure out who was happier to stand in the shade here, the horse or me!  It was very dusty and I was getting very sweaty, not a great combo. 
Erik didn't want to ride a horse at all, but he had a lot of fun! 
Ella was in heaven on course and the last one of the horses in the end.
After lunch we went to the big pool!  Well, this is the baby wading pool!  I don't tolerate chlorine well, so I sat with our towel and things.  I read 200 pages in my book though (between taking pictures!)
To the far left, not pictured was an indoor pool with a tube slide.  They also had a spray park area, a deep pool and the wading pool! 
Daddy being funny! 
The kids checking out the spray area! 
Camden swimming to Daddy.
Erik floating!
 Hmmm, apparently I got tired after here because I didn't take anymore pictures?  We went out the Pub for Grandpa Gary's birthday and then the kids watched movie before bed.  Day 4 we got up, packed, and headed home!  It was a fun weekend.
Oh, yes, this was my favorite picture of me this vacation!

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