Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Monday, August 25, 2014

Church Camp Out

Camden helped me pull out most of the camping gear Thursday night, he was tired when we got done!  Brian was working overtime and couldn't help pack. 
The kids got dressed in the Camp shirts and helped carry the gear to the front lawn so I can pack the car up. 
They carried trip after trip until we got the car loaded up. 
Silly boys!  We waited for Uncle John to come load up our bikes in his new van so we didn't have to get the bike trailer hitch on.
Ella decided to take her new unicorn, Princess, with her camping! 
We got to camp past dinner time, so we started cooking.  Camden helped me stir the corn and spaghetti while I set the table and then men set up the tents. 
We carried over the 2nd picnic table to fit all 10 of us! 
Camden's friend Ben showed up for our campfire that night and Ella has her friend Shae there too. 
Erik kept checking down the road for his friend's family van to pull up.  It never did, we found out in the morning that they had to cancel and attend a family funeral.  Erik was so disappointed, but just played with Ella, Camden, and their friends. 
Brian and I started cooking pancakes, bacon, and yogurt for breakfast for everyone! 
The girls playing waiting for breakfast. 
A stolen kiss caught on camera! 

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