Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Cleaning for Septemer!

The kids and I have been hard at work cleaning...everything!    The summer is going by so fast, and Fall will be here soon.  I moved the shelves over to the wall by the beds to block their view of each other a little!  I also got Ella new pink bins for her toys. 
The Alderson Grandparents bought Erik and Ella new office chairs that adjust heights.  Now they don't have to sit on their knees on the old wicker chairs we had! 
This morning we headed over to church to make some new AWANAS posters for September.  The kids did their summer worksheets there and then played in their Sunday School rooms.  The pastor came to talk to Camden about getting Baptized on the 17th as well. 
Here is the bulletin board downstairs, it is a shared board with the Adult Education side.  I still need to add a little piece of green tot he top right.  The AWANAS Commander is going to staple a sign up sheet to the bottom left corner. 
I switched out the big board upstairs as well with this quick idea.  I had the office ladies make color copies of the handbook covers.  Camden wanted to pick out the border, it's kids doing different thing like reading, playing sports, etc.
Camden also cleaned out his room this week.  He wanted blue back in his room, so we swapped out the beige bins with the blue ones and hung up the blue curtains.  We gave Ella the beige comforter and got the old blue one out of the hope chest.
We bought him a blue chair pillow.  Camden is such a good reader.  He often reads without prompting on his bed.  He loves to take his black folding circle chair outside and read too. 
The last thing we cleaned was the cub Scout area in the church basement.  We are getting kicked out of this storage space due to remodeling and the entire floor entire was covered in stuff!  Brian and I have just taken the Cub Scout group over (we actually don't start until September) so we are the responsible ones now.  I cleaned and Brian will find men to move!  We have been busy for sure.

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