Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Church Campout 2014 Cont.

We started off the morning with some bike riding,
a little soccer with new friends, 
and snuck in a coffee run too! 
The afternoon was relaxing as I made the kids sit and eat candy.  
The girls colored for a while,  
and the boys and Daddy played Matchbox cars. 
After playing in the dirt, we decided to go on the Farm tour. 
We piled into John's new van and threw all the kids in the back. 
Silly kids. 
Cute kids.  
In motion! 
The Tour Guides dress in costume and told us all about Farming. 
Camden and I got too hot and sought shade under the Hopps. 
Our view watching the Farm tour! 
Camden found a bench in the shade. 
Brian found a female Halloween spider.  Ew. 
This old barn was cool. 
Learning about the fruit orchards. 
At the end of the tour, the kids got to pull out a carrot to eat. 
Ella was the only one who wanted one though. 
I made the twins lay down after the tour for a while. 
Uncle John and Brian fixed the brake on Camden's bike. 
Erik found a new favorite treat, Turkey Jerky!  He took the whole bag from me and sat behind this tree so no one would ask him to share! 
Brian caught this cute moment with the twins. 
Photo Bomb! 
Saturday evening was the Church BBQ and service.  Eleanor told the kids a story about the lost sheep.  Then it was bed and Sunday morning we packed up and headed home!

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