Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sick Erik

I haven't posted in a while, things have been crazy!  We got Erik and Ella a chair pillow like Camden has at Target and Erik was tired enough to lie in the cart like this!  That should of been my first clue!  Then he didn't really eat lunch of dinner, just drank a lot. 
By the next afternoon he had vomited 12 times in 9 hours and off to the Dr. we went. Brian left on our 12th Wedding Anniversary Trip with the other 2 kids in hopes that we could join them later on in the little car.
I tried to entertain him to no avail... 
The Dr. sent to us the hospital where we waited for the Dr. for over an hour like this!  Uncle John brought me some dinner at 7pm and then the Dr. came in and gave Erik an IV and ran a lot of blood work. 
He was so sweet and cute.  He didn't complain at all, just whimpered and then wouldn't move either of his arms! 
An hour later pumped full of fluids and Zofran to stop the vomiting, a popsicle showed up, which even then he feebly licked at. 
We returned home late that night and set up camp by Mommy's bed for the night.  He kept from vomiting all the night, but started up again after a quick visit to Daddy & the kids. 
Going back home in the horribly uncomfortable little car.  There was a message from the ER saying that Erik was positive for Strep and to go pick up meds.  So I did, but then on Monday the Dr. office called and said that there was no medical record of his test being positive.  Luckily, I saved the lady's name and number and they tracked her down to find she had read his results wrong and prescribed him meds he didn't need!
The Dr. then sent us to the hospital again to get labs drawn to re-evealuate his bloodwork.  Ella and Camden were home by then so Ella held his arm and sat up on the bed with him, so cute!  As you can see, still too sick to care about needles. 
Oh so tired and sick!  Poor little guy.  I carried him as much as I could, but he is getting heavy.  He lost 5 pounds in the 5 days of being sick though! 
Off to Fred Meyers to pick up more meds, jello and a Hot Wheel car for the brave boy! 
Back to the Dr. at 3pm, we spent 2 hours with 2 different Dr.s trying to decide if he had something else medically going on.  His bloodwork showed not only elevated white blood cell counts, but Bands which are not supposed to be there.  Also he was not getting any better, with abdominal pain.  They were discussing x-rays, ultrasounds, etc.  I said let's wait one more night so let his little body rest. 
They said okay, but just one more vomit and he was to go straight into the ER!  He ate some applesauce and caprisun for dinner and kept it down all night, so I think we're doing better!

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